
Released in October 2013 by Mediatek Sistemas S.C.
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About skullbaby

skullbaby was first released on 28 October 2013 by Mediatek Sistemas S.C., for OUYA. skullbaby received no additional updates, making this first release the only version available.

skullbaby belongs to two genres: Multiplayer and Platformer. It has an age rating of 9+.

Over the course of its lifespan, users 'liked' skullbaby 19 times, and left 17 ratings, registering an average score of three stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots further down the page.

From The Developer

Skullbaby is a Platform game inspired in Halloween. It's a 2D scroller. Jump, shot and fly to avoid the enemies facing you. It features 25 levels and will be updated with many more levels. Play alone or with your friend, cooperate with him to reach the end of each level. Stay tuned for more content coming!

Version Release History

Version Released
1.0.55 October 28, 2013

Screenshots (5)