Time Swap

Released in April 2014 by ExtraCreativityGames
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About Time Swap

Time Swap was first released on 25 April 2014 by ExtraCreativityGames, for OUYA. Time Swap received no additional updates, making this first release the only version available.

Time Swap belongs to three genres: Adventure, Platformer and Puzzle/Trivia. It has an age rating of Everyone.

Users left 206 ratings, registering an average score of four stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots and video elsewhere on the page.

From The Developer

In the present, you are an employee of The Organization. You help advertise technological advances the company creates to get funding from the government. While moving out of your old place, you discover a hat with mechanics inside of it. This device gives you the ability to see into your father's past who you've never met before. Turns out he was an inventor of the same place you work at, but in a different time. Figure out puzzles by switching times and dig deeper into the story.

Version Release History

Version Released
1.0.5 April 25, 2014

Videos (1)

Screenshots (5)