Bus Driver 2d Experience Rush

Released in June 2014 by Daniel Musial
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About Bus Driver 2d Experience Rush

Bus Driver 2d Experience Rush was first released on 18 June 2014 by Daniel Musial, for OUYA. Since its initial release, Bus Driver 2d Experience Rush received one update.

Bus Driver 2d Experience Rush belongs to three genres: Arcade/Pinball, Kids List and Retro. It has an age rating of 9+.

Users left 27 ratings, registering an average score of two stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots and video elsewhere on the page.

From The Developer

Driving a bus can be hard. Avoiding all the cars on the road, getting gas, and repairing your bus. You must do all of this in Bus Driving 2d experience rush. This game is all about driving a bus and ranking up your points to drive as far as possible. This is a rush to experience while driving a bus. Updates and news at http://bd2der.blogspot.com/

Version Release History

Version Released August 6, 2014 June 18, 2014

Videos (1)

Screenshots (5)