TubiTV on OUYA

Released in July 2014 by OUYA, Inc.
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  • APK Size: 17.29 MB
  • Original Release: 8 July 2014 (ver. Developer Build)
  • Age Rating: 17+
  • Genres: App
  • Supported Devices: OUYA
  • Website: http://www.ouya.tv

About TubiTV on OUYA

TubiTV on OUYA was first released on 8 July 2014 by OUYA, Inc., for OUYA. TubiTV on OUYA received no additional updates, making this first release the only version available.

TubiTV on OUYA is classified under the App genre. It has an age rating of 17+.

Users left 46 ratings, registering an average score of three stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots and video elsewhere on the page.

From The Developer

Representing a revolution in how viewers consume entertainment, Tubi TV is freeing television. Tubi TV gives viewers instant access to the largest breadth of free TV shows and movies compared to any other video app among Connected TV devices.

Tubi TV offers an impressive array of genres including: action, horror, comedy, sci-fi, drama, music, film festival hits, fitness, men’s and women’s lifestyle, award-winning international films, cartoons and kids programming, documentaries, and news, among many others. Viewers will have access to thousands of videos in every genre imaginable, all for free.

Version Release History

Version Released
Developer Build July 8, 2014

Videos (1)

Screenshots (3)