
Released in August 2014 by Jeremy Elder
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About Greylands

Greylands was first released on 18 August 2014 by Jeremy Elder, for OUYA. Greylands received no additional updates, making this first release the only version available.

Greylands is classified under the Role-Playing genre. It has an age rating of 9+.

Users left 72 ratings, registering an average score of three stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots further down the page.

From The Developer

Robbed of your powers and chucked inside a dungeon, you must escape and defeat the Lich who imprisoned you and is laying waste to the land.

Misty forests, dark caves, ancient mines, and deep dungeons await you in your quest.

D-Pad to move about.
OUYA buttons for directional firing.
Right Bumper to pause and examine player stats.
Left Bumper to use healing potions if available.

Version Release History

Version Released
1.5.0 August 18, 2014

Screenshots (6)