Mr. Triangle's Adventure

Released in June 2015 by Red Triangle Games
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About Mr. Triangle's Adventure

Mr. Triangle's Adventure was first released on 12 June 2015 by Red Triangle Games and is compatible with M.O.J.O. and OUYA. Since its initial release, Mr. Triangle's Adventure received two subsequent version updates.

Mr. Triangle's Adventure belongs to three genres: Adventure, Retro and Role-Playing. It has an age rating of 9+.

Users left 31 ratings, registering an average score of four stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots and video elsewhere on the page.

From The Developer

An evil alien has invaded the planet and has been conducting sinister experiments on the world's inhabitants. When word reaches Mr. Triangle, he will once again rise to the challenge of protecting his home. On his journey he'll fight evil mutated vegetables with his friends, Jojo the ape, Gary the magician gator, and Marvin the rocket manatee! Throughout your quest to rid the world of the self proclaimed Mastermind of Evil, Mr. Triangle and his friends will learn about the ancient history of the planet in hopes of gathering the strength to send the alien menace back where he came from!

Version Release History

Version Released
1.0.8 August 24, 2015
1.0.6 June 22, 2015
1.0.5 June 12, 2015

Videos (1)

Screenshots (8)