
Released in October 2015 by ripouya
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About BruhAdventure

BruhAdventure was first released on 5 October 2015 by ripouya, for OUYA. Since its initial release, BruhAdventure received one update.

BruhAdventure belongs to seven genres: Adventure, Entertainment, Platformer, Retro, Role-Playing, Short on Time? and Sim/Strategy. It has an age rating of 9+.

Users left 13 ratings, registering an average score of three stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots and video elsewhere on the page.

From The Developer

BruhAdventure, The Game where you explore the city of BruhHills and it's secrets! You can enjoy a tasty snack while you are at it! The game has farting humor, toilet humor, and many other kinds of immature humor! The people who live in the amazing city of BruhHills are very nice, they will run you over! And if they are being mean to you, You can always destroy them... with lemons!
Using the new and radical, The Lemon Gun!
+Drive cars for free!
+A collection of guns.
+Tons of secrets!
+Stupid reasons to laugh!
+Good food.
+The mayor is a potato.
+Helpful signs
+Arcade Machines!
BruhHills' History!
Version 2.0 Thanksgiving 2015 - Happy thanksgiving! In this new update, We made some new changes to the city.
+Added new Arcade Machine! Play as a turkey!
+You can now chose where to go from the menu screen!
+Fixed Bugs
+Changes that will fix confusion in people's heads.

Version 1.0- Fart and explore because BruhAdventure is on the store. (By the way, These are the upload notes if you didn't know.)

Version Release History

Version Released
1.0 November 30, 2015
1.0 October 5, 2015

Videos (1)

Screenshots (8)