Daring Escape

Released in November 2015 by bradpearce
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About Daring Escape

Daring Escape was first released on 17 November 2015 by bradpearce, for OUYA. Daring Escape received no additional updates, making this first release the only version available.

Daring Escape belongs to seven genres: Arcade/Pinball, Entertainment, Kids List, Platformer, Racing, Retro and Short on Time?. It has an age rating of 9+.

Users left 48 ratings, registering an average score of four stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots further down the page.

From The Developer

Inspired by the Heider-Simmel illusion, Daring Escape, will be your best download, today!

Find your way through over 10 exciting levels and solve geometric puzzles to complete this love letter to old-school games and a speed runners dream.

Version Release History

Version Released
0.1.0 November 17, 2015

Screenshots (3)