Dawn Earth - Episode 1

Released in April 2013 by IndieHex
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About Dawn Earth - Episode 1

Dawn Earth - Episode 1 was first released on 12 April 2013 by IndieHex, for OUYA. Since its initial release, Dawn Earth - Episode 1 received two subsequent version updates.

Dawn Earth - Episode 1 belongs to three genres: Dual Stick, FPS/Shooter and Short on Time?. It has an age rating of 12+.

Over the course of its lifespan, users 'liked' Dawn Earth - Episode 1 76 times, and left seven ratings, registering an average score of two stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots further down the page.

From The Developer

Dawn Earth is a 3D Space Shooter. The year is 2175, the world is in the brink of nuclear war when an unknown alien species invades the planet.

All cities are turned to dust, the few survivors are trying to escape Earth and go to a colony in hopes to survive.

Your mission is to help these survivors escape with the hope to strike back at the aliens and retake our planet.

This game is the first in a series of “episodic” games based on the Dawn Earth universe.


- High-definition graphics and sound, pushing the limits of OUYA's Tegra 3 and 5.1 Surround Sound.

- Fully orchestrated soundtrack.

- Full free game with optional "shield boost" upgrade.

- Running on the powerful Unity 3D engine.

- Translated into English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Chinese.

Version Release History

Version Released
1.4 June 9, 2013
1.3 April 17, 2013
1.2 April 12, 2013

Screenshots (8)