Accidental Spelunking

Released in August 2013 by Oooweeooo Inc.
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About Accidental Spelunking

Accidental Spelunking was first released on 23 August 2013 by Oooweeooo Inc. and is compatible with M.O.J.O. and OUYA. Since its initial release, Accidental Spelunking received three subsequent version updates.

Accidental Spelunking belongs to three genres: Kids List, Multiplayer and Short on Time?. It has an age rating of Everyone.

Over the course of its lifespan, users 'liked' Accidental Spelunking 43 times, and left 80 ratings, registering an average score of three stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots further down the page.

From The Developer

You fell in a hole. Fall as far as you can. Last one to be pushed off the top wins! Next time? Don't fall in the hole!

Also coming soon: Don't Fall in the Hole.

Accidental Spelunking was made in a matter of hours at our booth at ConBravo. Enjoy!

Version Release History

Version Released
1.0.3 September 9, 2013
1.0.2 August 28, 2013
1.0.1 August 23, 2013
1.0 August 23, 2013

Screenshots (3)