Always be Shipping

Released in September 2013 by James Hostetler
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About Always be Shipping

Always be Shipping was first released on 17 September 2013 by James Hostetler, for OUYA. Always be Shipping received no additional updates, making this first release the only version available.

Always be Shipping is classified under the Meditative genre. It has an age rating of Everyone.

Over the course of its lifespan, users 'liked' Always be Shipping 82 times, and left 193 ratings, registering an average score of three stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots further down the page.

From The Developer

Always be Shipping is a simple relaxation app/game. It focuses on putting you on a drifting boat in the middle of nowhere. Listen to the relaxing ocean sounds as you stare off into the distance and hope that the developer put something in for you to see. A true boating experience, Always be Shipping is for anyone and everyone who wants to know what it's like to be lost on a boat.

Version Release History

Version Released
1.0 September 17, 2013

Screenshots (3)