Miracle Fly

Released in January 2015 by ElagoTech
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About Miracle Fly

Miracle Fly was first released on 8 January 2015 by ElagoTech, for OUYA. Since its initial release, Miracle Fly received two subsequent version updates.

Miracle Fly belongs to three genres: Adventure, Kids List and Platformer. It has an age rating of Everyone.

Users left 56 ratings, registering an average score of four stars out of five.

For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots and video elsewhere on the page.

From The Developer

Play as Mira, Daria, and Irvette to fight Nightmares in Dream World.

Control : When you shoot, you would fly to the opposite direction.
It's a bit unique (but not too confusing) so you might need to get used to it.

(Full game would provide you with 2-3 hours for speedrun, or 7-9 hours for completionist)

Have fun solving the puzzle and finding the secret!

Version Release History

Version Released February 5, 2015 February 4, 2015 January 8, 2015

Videos (1)

Screenshots (6)