Released in October 2015 by Future Today Inc
[from 3 ratings]
- APK Size: 1.72 MB
- Original Release: 15 October 2015 (ver. 1.2)
- Latest Update: 18 November 2015 (ver. 1.4)
- Age Rating: 12+
- Genres: App, Video
- Supported Devices: M.O.J.O., Razer Forge TV, OUYA
- Website:
About SmartMan
SmartMan was first released on 15 October 2015 by Future Today Inc and is compatible with M.O.J.O., Razer Forge TV and OUYA. Since its initial release, SmartMan received one update.
SmartMan belongs to two genres: App and Video. It has an age rating of 12+.
Users left three ratings, registering an average score of four stars out of five.
For further info, check out the developer's description below and/or view the screenshots further down the page.
From The Developer
SmartMan is a channel made for smart men to entertain, inform and educate them on topics of their interest such as comedy, hot girls, workouts, health, home improvement, love, career, travel and more.